In case you missed it on Twitter late this afternoon, LUFTHANSA’s First Class Terminal Twitter account got into the ‘Social Media’ swing of things and began offering to create ‘custom’ First Class Ducks for anyone that submitted a request.

‘Twitterers’ have the ability to select options towards the creation of their custom duck and within a few minutes @Lufthansa_FCT would Tweet your new duck to the world.   It’s a great way to have a custom avatar created for your Twitter or Facebook account!

To have @Lufthansa_FCT create your custom ‘Ente’ all you need to do is to select the options for your duck from this menu:


a yellow rubber duck with a red beak

……and then send a Tweet to @Lufthansa_FCT with the following Hashtag:  #myfirstclassduck followed by a separate hashtag for each option from the menu.   For example:  @Lufthansa_FCT #myfirstclassduck #crown #monocle #scarf #lederhosen #halo and tweet it to them.  They’ll tweet your creation to you for you to enjoy.


Here are a few examples of their masterpieces:


a rubber duck wearing a hat and sunglasses a yellow rubber duck with a crown on its head a yellow rubber duck with a hat and suspenders a rubber duck with a headphones and sunglasses a rubber duck in a dress a rubber duck with sunglasses and a headphones on