I finally had some free time to really start sorting through nearly 6,000 photos that have accumulated over the last 2+ years of my plane-spotting addiction. Lufthansa aircraft alone account for over 2000 images and nearly 60 giga-bytes of space on my hard drives.
Tonight I took some time to sort through my LH shots deleting duplicates and blurred shots. Along the way I pulled a few aside (both new and old) that were among my favorites and thought to put them together for other ‘Avgeeks’ to enjoy. Some you may have seen before, some you may have missed — but in my opinion it is hard to get tired of watching aircraft doing ‘their thing’!
Who knows, I might even be tempted to publish a calendar at some point! 🙂

One of Lufthansa’s A380s is pushed back from her gate in Frankfurt

Though back-lit, this Airbus A321 is a favorite due to her retro-livery

This 747 is being taken to a Technik hangar to be prepared for her next flight

One of my all-time favorite shots—- This is Lufthansa’s FIRST 747-8i, D-ABYA, minutes before she departed on her inaugural flight from Frankfurt to Washington DC on June 1, 2012.

Lufthansa’s 3rd 747-8i, D-ABYD, departing for India

Lufthansa’s 6th 747-8i, D-ABYG departing Frankfurt

Up close to an A320 in Munich

An A330, D-AIKE, departing Frankfurt

Taxiing to her gate in Frankfurt

An A340 departing Munich on a beautiful fall day.

An A340 is being towed to her gate in Frankfurt for boarding and departure.

This A340 in Munich would depart for San Francisco

Another favorite shot, this A380 approaches the runway in Frankfurt for takeoff to Beijing.

A closer look……

This would have been a PERFECT shot had the doors been closed on D-ABYA. I tried, but could not reach to close them……

From a recent trip to Frankfurt, I caught this moment from Gate A10 looking back towards the new ‘Z’ gates which was full of 747s and even an A380