For those of you residing in the United Kingdom (or at least have a valid mailing address within it), Lufthansa is giving you the opportunity to win an iPad. The contest celebrates the recent launch of their JetFriends app which is specifically geared towards entertaining young children with travel and airplane related games, challenges, etc.
The contest is a relatively easy one to enter. All you need to do is to capture a funny quote from your child and submit it as the entry. The top 6 quotes as determined by Lufthansa will win a prize. The overall 1st place winner will receive an Apple iPad. The remaining finalists will receive a Beach Goodie Bag.
The contest runs through September 15 and you are allowed only one entry per person. You may want to start keeping track of all the precious things that little ‘Ruttiger’ has to say and then submit his funniest comment near the entry deadline. Use this link to visit the Contest’s Entry Page.
In addition to this contest, if you sign up for JetFriends, you’ll find another contest within the website that will give away a child’s snorkel set for the funniest travel or holiday related photo. You’ll find details for that contest here.
To find out more about the JetFriends app, please visit the JetFriends homepage where you can learn more and sign up so that your child can be entertained and educated for hours!