by Lufthansa Flyer | Jan 31, 2017 | Air Berlin, Etihad, Featured, Lufthansa |
Ahead of an announcement expected from Etihad and Lufthansa tomorrow from Abu Dhabi, details are starting to emerge regarding a deepening relationship between the 2 carriers.
Building on recent developments including Lufthansa’s take over of certain Air Berlin aircraft and routes in order to reduce the burden for Etihad (A large stake holder in AB), it appears now that Etihad is set to further seek Lufthansa’s assistance as it tries to re-sort itself.
Coming from various news outlets, including Bloomberg, it appears that Etihad is set to transfer their MRO operations (Maintenance / Repair / Overhaul) to Lufthansa Technik. Additionally, Etihad will transfer their catering operation to Lufthansa’s LSG Skychefs. There is also the potential for the relationship to expand to include Lufthansa handling much of Etihad’s security and ground services in certain parts of the world where both airlines are present. I expect we’ll find out the timing of these transactions during tomorrow’s event.
There has also been some chatter regarding the potential of Etihad joining Star Alliance, but that seems to be a bit of a stretch at this point based on Etihad’s involvement with other partners that are in direct competition with Star Alliance. But one never knows what can be announced.
There may be more to the announcement tomorrow, so you may see a follow up to this post.

by Lufthansa Flyer | Dec 16, 2016 | Air Berlin, Corporate, Featured, Lufthansa |
In an announcement from Frankfurt earlier today, Lufthansa has announced that it has entered into a codeshare arrangement with Etihad geared towards making it easier for the airlines to expand their reach.
The expansion of the relationship between the 2 carriers continues to evolve after LH agreed to lease a substantial part of Air Berlin’s fleet to help AB stave off further financial turmoil. Etihad is a major stakeholder in Air Berlin and they were very supportive of the arrangement which allows AB to refocus their efforts. That deal was finalized today as well.
The codesharing relationship starts in January 2017 and will cover Etihad’s 2 daily flights between Frankfurt and Abu Dhabi and their 2 daily flights between Munich and Abu Dhabi. What this means is that there will be an Lufthansa flight number (LH xxx) assigned to the Etihad operated flights, so that Lufthansa passengers can book travel on those specific Etihad flights directly from or through their travel agents.
In turn, Etihad will will assign their flight numbers to Lufthansa operated flights that operate from Frankfurt to Rio de Janeiro and Bogota. This allows Etihad to book their passengers directly onto these LH flights.
Please note that flights operated by Etihad will not earn any miles towards Miles & More balances, or any other Star Alliance Frequent Flyer program.
by Lufthansa Flyer | Nov 3, 2016 | Air Berlin, Airlines, Airports, Corporate, Etihad, Eurowings, Featured, Frankfurt, Germany, Industry News, Lufthansa |
Today was a busy news day for Lufthansa and not in a positive manner. Aside from an earnings report that was lackluster with future forecasts that were not overly optimistic, Ryanair announced something that will force a shift in how Lufthansa does business on its home turf.
It was perhaps not a coincidence, but on the same day that Lufthansa announced their 3rd quarter financial results, Ryanair announced that they would begin offering flights from Frankfurt. A place where Lufthansa controls over 60% of air traffic movements and also an airport in which LH owns an 8% share.
Ryanair in its announcement stated that 2 737 aircraft would be deployed beginning in March 2017 and will focus primarily on warm-weather holiday markets in and around the Mediterranean region. Ryanair expects to invest over $200 million dollars into this expansion that is specifically targeted at Lufthansa’s low cost carrier unit, Eurowings. Ryanair will now operate out of 9 German airports.
Plans for Eurowings never included operating in Lufthansa’s hubs in Munich and Frankfurt, but due to the ‘attack’ of LCC carriers upon Eurowings, Lufthansa had to relent and recently announced that in fact it would operate Eurowings out of Munich, and today they were forced to announce that Eurowings may also be coming to Frankfurt. This decision had to be made as a direct response to Ryanair’s action. LH didn’t provide specifics, simply because they were caught off guard by the Ryanair gambit. However, expect a Eurowings / Frankfurt announcement sooner than later.
Previously, Ryanair avoided Frankfurt-Main (FRAPORT) like the plague choosing instead to operate out of Frankfurt-Hahn which is about 70 miles outside the city. Their CEO, Mike O’Leary, even went on record last year saying that Ryanair would never fly out of FRA. What prompted the change in strategy was the inducements that the Frankfurt Operating Authority offered Ryanair, including substantially reduced landing fees, gate expenses, and similar overhead. In all, Ryanair will pay 40% less than other airlines for the same services. FRAPORT said this was done as part of a new strategy of offering huge discounts in order to attract more airlines and routes. My question is where are you going to fit them when the airport is already at capacity and your dainty neighbors don’t want flights departing or arriving when the sun is below the horizon? But I digress……
Of course this irritated LH’s senior management who now are challenging their own business partner in FRAPORT to extend similar discounts to those already using the airport. This soap opera will get more interesting over the coming weeks as Lufthansa responds to the Ryanair announcement. But give credit where credit is due, Ryanair simply is taking advantage of an opportunity that was placed nicely onto its lap. FRAPORT has initially suggested that no deals will be made with existing carriers at Frankfurt, but I can’t see that remaining the case.
Also part of todays earnings commentary was an announcement that going forward, Lufthansa may opt to purchase used aircraft instead of new aircraft as it looks to replace aging aircraft in the short haul fleet (regional jets, etc). The rationale behind this decision is to reduce some of the capital expenditure as a result of softer earnings expectations. This does not affect any orders that Lufthansa has placed for new aircraft, it may just result in fewer orders for new aircraft. LH still plans to spend 2.2 – 2.7 billion dollars a year over the next 3-5 years as it takes delivery of new aircraft.
As part of the same session today, LH Group CEO Carsten Spohr put to rest the rumors surrounding Lufthansa taking a stake in Alitalia as part of a larger deal to acquire Air Berlin. There had been conversations between Etihad (stakeholder in both Air Berlin and Alitalia), Alitalia, and Lufthansa about a potential 3-way deal that would have LH take a substantial stake in Alitalia, and in return Etihad would proffer Air Berlin. This plan was in addition to the existing plan that will have Lufthansa wet-lease 40 aircraft from Air Berlin and fly the planes the routes that those birds normally served. In his comments, and perhaps they were unscripted, but Spohr simply stated that the personal home that he owns in Italy is about as much as Lufthansa is going to invest in Italy. Hopefully a speechwriter doesn’t get a bonus for that wit.
‘IMHO’ (Brewing for a while!) ………
For this LH fan it’s become increasingly frustrating to see an Airline struggle in a business where by all reasonable measures, it should be the dominant player. It has allowed itself to be nickle-and-dimed into positions that it shouldn’t be in. It should have stepped up and fixed its labor woes years ago instead of suffering hundreds of millions in losses due to strikes as a result of unhappy labor. It would have been ridiculously more cost effective to settle with labor instead of being stubborn to bend to a compromise.
I think another mis-calculation was the decision to create some kind of super-LCC within the group. Thus far Eurowings has not proven itself as a successful model and the jury is still out as far as its viability is concerned. I’m hoping it works out because in theory EW would be a fantastic complement to the group but on the other hand I think Lufthansa has taken their eye off of what used to matter.
The successful Lufthansa paid attention to their best customers, took their advice to heart, and developed product and services based on what these passengers were asking and willing to pay for. With that commitment came a fierce loyalty from their best passengers. That has changed. No longer is Lufthansa actively soliciting the advice of ‘HON’ and ‘Senator’ level passengers. Instead they have turned their focus on the low-margin passenger who travels once or twice a year and wants to buy the cheapest seat possible. They’ve transformed marketing and social media campaigns to focus on the guy or gal who will pay €79 euro for a once in a lifetime trip from Stuttgart to Ibiza.
I’m no marketing expert, but I am well versed in reading corporate financials. When I see the priority being shifted to filling up an economy cabin with $400 fares instead of focusing on the far more loyal, and far more profitable, premium cabin passenger, it comes as no surprise to see Lufthansa struggling on the balance sheet. They keep referring to a challenging operating environment but other carriers seem to do well in the same environment. A few years ago, fuel expense was the scapegoat. Now the scapegoat-du-jour appears to be the fierce competition coming from LCCs. Eventually the list of rationalizations is going to run out. The challenges to Lufthansa’s success are within the airline, not outside of it.
Focus on your best passengers. They’re the ones that will determine success or failure for any carrier.