by Lufthansa Flyer | Nov 15, 2016 | Europe, Fare Sale, Featured, Lufthansa |
Lufthansa launched a fare sale today that offers about the lowest prices that you’ll find between their US gateways and Europe. The fare sale lasts until midnight, Novmember 16.
The best fare for this promo is a $450 ticket thats available between Washington DC and Stockholm, Sweden. Denver – Amsterdam comes in at a close second for only $480. From the west coast the best deal appears to be Los Angeles to Prague for only $829.
Most fares between the US and Europe for this sale fall between $700 (East Coast / Mid-West) and $1100 (West Coast).
The fare sale covers departures taking place between November 18 and December 13, while return travel can take place all the way out to June 13, 2017. The only other restrictions include a Saturday night stay and 3 day advance purchase requirement.

by Lufthansa Flyer | Nov 10, 2016 | Fare Sale, Featured, First Class, Swiss |
SWISS has launched a First and Business Class fare sale for travel from the USA to a variety of European destinations for travel between December 1 and March 31.
For the First Class part of the fare sale, most fares from East Coast and Midwest Gateways range between $4800 & $5200 while West Coast gateways run in the $5700 to $5900 range.
To take advantage of the First Class deal, you need to depart between December 18 and January 1. Return flights can take plus until March 31. Keep in mind there are a few blackout dates right around Christmas. The best fares are usually available for travel between Monday and Thursday.
The Business Class sale runs for the identical periods and features fares as low as $2800 from the East Coast, and ranges up to the $3700 range for West Coast departures. Like with the First Class sale, the fares are openly available through the end of March, with only a small black out window around Christmas.
by Lufthansa Flyer | Nov 1, 2016 | Business Class, Fare Sale, Featured, Lufthansa |
Lufthansa has launched a Business Class fare sale that has very attractive pricing between New York and a number of European destinations.
For example, New York to Istanbul can be had for only $2,400. New York to most of Germany is pricing between $2300 and $3000. Unfortunately not every major LH destination in Europe is part of this sale, nor is any other USA Gateway as far as I can tell. But I didn’t have time to search out every US Gateway.
The terms of the fare sale are confusing this time as well. In the detailed terms and conditions, it says travel has to start December 18 and a 28 day advance purchase is required. However I was able to find the $2400-$2500 fares available beginning in mid November. The return period also is generous as these low fares. Lufthansa’s terms and conditions state return travel needs to be completed by July 2017, but I found the low fares available all the way to the end of September which is as far out as possible that you can book a flight at this point.
So I don’t know if this is a fare error or not, but the pricing is not matching the terms and restrictions at this point. It looks like you can book a very attractive Business Class seat to parts of Europe almost a year out for a great price. Take advantage!