by Lufthansa Flyer | Oct 16, 2015 | Business Class, Fare Sale, Featured |
In a direct response to British Airways’ fare sale, LUFTHANSA has launched a great Business Class fare from US Gateways To London for only $2000. Depending on exact travel dates, it may be a few dollars higher or lower, but perhaps the LOWEST that you’ll ever see an LH Business Class fare ex-USA.
Availability for the fare is wide open well into next year (into mid-May!) and covers all of LH’s North American gateways. In other words, you can fly to London from Newark for $2020 or from LAX to London for $2020. This is not a bad Premium Cabin Mileage Run candidate (books to P fare class)!
I don’t know for how long these fares will be loaded into the system, so I suggest acting sooner than later. I suspect once BA pulls their fares, LH will pull theirs.

by Lufthansa Flyer | Oct 6, 2015 | Economy Class, Fare Sale, Featured, Swiss |
SWISS’ current fare sale for Economy Class travel between the US and Europe ends on October 7. This particular fare sale has 4 different groupings of valid travel dates between now and the first quarter of next year.
The first 2 groups cover departures between now and October 31 as well as between December 16 and December 23. The fares for these travel dates a little bit higher than the other 2 groups. On average I found these fares to be about $50-75 higher than the other group. For example, Chicago – Zurich during this time frame can be had for $932.
The second group covers departures between November 1 and December 15 as well as between December 24 and March 17. The same Chicago – Zurich airfare can be had for only $882.
The best fare that I was able to find from among the entire fare sale is a very attractive one between New York and Saint Petersburg which can be booked for ONLY $504.
Unfortunately the terms and conditions are not spelled out as well as they should be. There is no information provided as to when return travel has to take place, or what the minimum and maximum stay requirements are for the fares.

by Lufthansa Flyer | Sep 25, 2015 | Fare Sale, Featured, Swiss |
Beginning at Midnight on September 26, SWISS will be running a 2-day fare sale on their global network.
SWISS has been pretty cryptic about the details. I’n not sure if the fare sale will be Ex-Switzerland, or ‘Ex-Everywhere’. All I can say is visit this link beginning at midnight this Friday to see what they’re offering!