London Heathrow Gets 3rd Runway

London Heathrow Gets 3rd Runway

After what seems like a lifetime (and for some of you, even before that), London Heathrow has finally received permission to move forward with plans to construct a 3rd runway.   The approval came amid a contentious debate between supporters and opponents of the idea.    Supporters looked at the 3rd runway as a much needed relief valve for the already over-congested LHR as well as a huge economic boon to the area and country.     The major concerns from the opposition revolved around cost of the construction and environmental impact.

a map of an airport expansion

The layout of the Runway expansion. Looks like a few villages will have to move over a bit. Courtesy: BBC

The £18 billion runway, set to be over 11,000 feet long, is however a long way from being installed.   Opponent groups have already announced plans to raise funds and to take the fight to the airport and government through legal challenges in an attempt to have the decision reversed.   Should the legal challenges fail (as I expect they will), the runway construction would begin in 2020 and if everything is on time, the runway would enter service 5 years later.

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