by Lufthansa Flyer | Dec 26, 2012 | Uncategorized |
Now that Christmas is but a distant memory, it’s time to look forward to what 2013 has in store for travel.
I spent some of Christmas weekend reflecting on all of the places that I’ve visited during 2012. Most were repeats of favorites (Bratislava, Vienna, London, Frankfurt and Hong Kong among others) while some places were new (Singapore, Istanbul and a few minutes in Guam). What prompted this reflection was a gift that my Mother-In-Law gave us. The gift, a large framed world map that allows you to place magnetized pins on places that you have visited. Thoughtful right?
As my wife and I thought through all of the places that we visited over the years and marked them on the map we soon discovered a glaring pattern. We had virtually used up all the pins on US and European destinations. Only 3 Pins were outside the US and Europe. Here I thought that we were “accomplished” travelers, but we’ve inadvertently ignored the rest of the world outside of Europe and the USA.
So with that realization, I’ve committed 2013 to be the year of “New Cities On New Continents”. Don’t get me wrong, there will still be several trips to Europe because those Lufthansa Ducks have a “siren” effect on me. But on the other hand, there are a lot of places on my map that don’t have little magnetic pins attached to them. So for 2013, my resolution is to see South America, Africa or Australia with the goal being to visit 2 of these continents. It may be just a 24-48 hour mileage run, but the proof will be the passport stamp. I’m thinking that flying Lufthansa from the US to Buenos Aires via Frankfurt is an efficient way to put the “Pin” on South America and Africa should be a piece of cake with a flight from the USA to Johannesburg via Munich.
To start things off in January, I’m planning on heading to Anchorage for some fantastic plane spotting opportunities. In February it looks like a trip to Istanbul over President’s Day weekend, then in April I take my wife for her first visit to Hong Kong. Other than that, the slate for major trips is blank, leaving plenty of room to deliver on my resolution.
What about you?
What did you accomplish with your travels in 2012 that was most rewarding?
What travel resolutions do YOU have for 2013?
by Lufthansa Flyer | Dec 23, 2012 | Uncategorized |
I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and joyful Holiday Season!
It’s been a great year for me with LufthansaFlyer completing its first full year. Thanks to everyone for their support and interest!
Personally, it’s been a record travel year for me with over 150,000 miles flown and the “odometer” for next year looks to exceed this years efforts, so I’m genuinely excited about 2013!
I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone within the Lufthansa Group (you know who you are!) who has helped LufthansaFlyer become so successful. Your willingness to help and your support have been invaluable!
On that note, here is the 2012 version of the LufthansaFlyer Christmas Tree. Many ducks have been added thanks to such a great and blessed year of travel and now cover the entire tree. Unfortunately there was not enough room for all of them. Looks like I’ll need to upgrade to a bigger tree for the 2013 version!

Many new ducks have joined the family this year.......

by Lufthansa Flyer | Dec 17, 2012 | Uncategorized |
For most of us, business travel tends to wind down towards the end of the 4th quarter as companies start thinking ahead to the next year. Fortunately for me my last business trip, 5 days to Cincinnati, took place last week leaving me home to enjoy the holidays with loved ones. I don’t even have a mileage run planned until mid January!
However, I do know that the skies will be full of Business Travelers who will be away from their families when they least wish to be during this Holiday Season. It’s to these warriors that I am reaching out to, wanting to learn more about how you manage being away from family during the most festive time of year.
I’m hoping that some of you Road Warriors can share with the rest of us any tips, tricks or strategies that you use to help keep those you care about the most close to you even though you may be thousands of miles away. I’d also like to hear about what your families do during your absence to help cushion you not being there. I’m sure it takes a unique individual and a strong family to pull off a successful Holiday when you can’t be together during it.
For anyone that would like to share with me their plans and their strategies for surviving business travel during the holidays, please use twitter to contact me. My twitter handle is @LufthansaFlyer, and if you could PLEASE use the “hashtag” of #LHFlyerHolidayTrvl that will help me filter out your stories and ideas from my twitter feed. After compiling your tips and strategies, I’ll come back with another post and share them with my readers.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!