To meet the demand of fans traveling to and from this year’s Euro 2016 being hosted by France, Austrian has assigned the 777 to fly between Vienna and Paris. Of the 4 daily roundtrips between the cities, the 777 will be assigned specifically to flights OS411 and OS412. OS411 departs Vienna at 7:05a and arrives in Paris at 9:10a. OS412 departs Paris at 10:00 and arrives in Vienna at 12:00p.
Here are the specific dates for the 777 flights:
Daily from Thursday June 16 through Sunday June 19 (OS411/412).
Daily from Tuesday June 21 Through Thursday June 23 (OS 411/412).
This of course assuming that the French ATC workers don’t screw things up by going on Strike as they’ve threatened to do during the Tournament. However, I don’t see them being stupid enough to try that stunt if they wish to have the public’s support for their silly ‘plights’ 🙂
But again, the French ATC’ers have tried to make a career out of striking……