by Lufthansa Flyer | Nov 20, 2016 | Featured, Frankfurt, Lufthansa, Munich, Route Announcements |
Lufthansa has announced a handful of new destinations for their Summer 2017 timetable. In all 6 new cities will be added beginning on March 27 and the new flights are open for reservations.
Flight info as follows:
Frankfurt – Bordeaux effective April 2 will begin 2x/week service (Thursday/Sunday). Flights will be operated by A319 aircraft.
Frankfurt – Heringsdorf effective April 15 will begin 1x/week service (Saturday). Flights will be operated by CRJ aircraft.
Frankfurt – Santiago de Compostela effective March 27 will begin 3x/week service (Monday/Thursday/Friday). Flights will be operated by A319 aircraft.
Frankfurt – Shannon effective April 29 will begin 1x/week service (Saturday). The route will be flow by A319 aircraft.
Munich – Nantes effective March 28 will begin 4x/week service (Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday). The Friday flight will be operated by an A320, all other flights will be flown by A319 aircraft.
Munich – Santiago de Compostela effective April 9 will begin 1x/week service (Sunday). The route will be flown by A320 aircraft.
In addition to these route commencements, Lufthansa has also announced that it will suspend service between Frankfurt and Tokyo Narita between January 9 and March 25. It reappears on their booking engine for flights on March 26, 2017 and beyond.

by Lufthansa Flyer | Nov 18, 2016 | A350, Featured, Lufthansa, Munich, Technik |
Lufthansa has announced that their first Airbus A350 aircraft will be delivered on December 19.
The aircraft will be delivered directly to Munich where Lufthansa Technik will install the cabin interior and other proprietary enhancements. During this time, the aircraft will also be used for cabin and ground crew training.

Lufthansa’s First A350. It’s currently carrying an Airbus tail number, which will be changed to D-AIXA once LH accepts the aircraft.
Munich will be the hub where the ‘initial’ A350 fleet will be based. Lufthansa plans to assign the first 10 A350s to Munich as it begins replacing A340 aircraft. Current plans call for up to 25 A350s to join the fleet over the coming months and years. The tail number protocol for the A350 will be D-AIX_, with the first first A350 being registered as D-AIXA.
Once delivered, the aircraft will not enter passenger service until February 10, when the A350 will take over on the daily flight between Munich and Delhi. Boston will follow shortly thereafter but based on Lufthansa’s past history with new aircraft, expect the A350 to be put on ‘tour’ and flown to several destinations during its first months in service.

by Lufthansa Flyer | Sep 15, 2016 | Ducks, Featured, First Class, Munich, Oktoberfest, On Board Experience, Passenger Experience, Trachtencrew |
Lufthansa has released the details about their ‘Trachtencrew’ schedule for 2016.
Celebrating their 10th Anniversary passengers will find these crews, dressed in their Oktoberfest best, on several flights over the coming weeks. Two crews will be featured and will be seen on six long-haul flights this year. In addition to the flight crews, ground staff in Munich will also be in the Oktoberfest spirit, sporting their Dirndls as well. Passengers visiting the First Class Lounge will see a Dirndl pattern that is unique to the First Class Lounge staff (and don’t forget to get your ‘Oktoberfest’ Duck!).
As a matter of fact, if you are flying from Munich to either Toronto or Washington DC today (Sept 15), you’ll see them. On September 20, passengers flying from Munich to Shanghai or Hong Kong will enjoy their hospitality. On October 2nd, the Trachtencrew will be aboard the flight from Munich to Denver, and on October 3 from Munich to Boston.
In addition to the long haul flights, the Trachtencrews will also be found on flights to Europe. Passengers will see them on flights to Birmingham, Belgrade, Cluj, Nice, Olbia, and Sylt.